Sunday, July 1, 2012

Cue the Crickets!

Picture this, but use your ears - early morning, cool temps, dark blue clouds overhead laden with precip, the road arcing gently to the left, rustling, breeze tussled native grasses, the sound of spinning pedals and a chirping cricket. This was one of the magical parts of my tour. As a kid, living in Colorado, crickets were everywhere. I live in Seattle now, and we don't have crickets to my knowledge. On my tour, I would stop along side the road and just listen. Shhhh, they're doing something - "crkt, crkt - crkt, crkt". To me its such a romantic sound. The lone creature, singing, marking time with a "crkt crkt". A bit like the lone cyclist on a ride. Time marked by pedal cadence, gears changing and the hum of the spokes.

The other day - I heard a cell phone with the ring tone set to a cricket chirp. Even this electronic, fake sound, from a damn cell phone immediately took me east of the mountains, on my bike following the song of one cricket in the grass to the next on a beautiful morning.

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