Monday, April 30, 2012

How to Wear a Cycling Cap

The S.O. forbids me from wearing a cycle cap in public. Not sure why actually. They can be quite dapper. Anyway - thought you might like reading an article on wearing said article.


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fearing the Wrath of God Training

One way to motivate yourself to complete your training program is to sign up for the most heinous, long, miserable event you can find. Just check out these classics like the Markleeville Death Ride, Mount Shasta Summit Ride or the Breathless Agony Century. This will sear the Fear of God in you and keep you pushing the pedals until its time. Back in 2007 when I decided to set course to do my first century ride - I was scared shitless. I had no idea what to expect. I trained like a banshee. This year is much the same, the ride I will do is my first multi-day ride. And it is working - again I am training motivated by fear. Perfect. And in truth, I feel stronger than I ever have. Of course if you're an atheist, this won't work. BTW, another sure fire way is to pay a bunch of money to sign up for a ride. Then, you gotta train since you spent a whole bunch of coin.

Hey- tis the games we must play on ourselves.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Todays LONG ride

Today's docket called for a long ride of endurance miles (every Saturday is the same). Lucky me, it was a beautiful day today. Temps in the low 60s. Cranked 53 miles around Lake Washington. Felt very good until the hills at mile 48. Legs were fine. Just the long ride made my shoulders a bit fatigued.

Click pic for bigger map.

Monday, April 23, 2012

What happens when the tires wear thin?

What happens when we can't do what we want to do anymore? What happens when we can't do what we love anymore? Old-er age has set in. Or perhaps an injury? It happens to us all. Eventually, you wake up one day and realize you're not the person (athlete, artist, business person, lawyer, professor, mother, father) that you used to be. What happens when we have to accept that we are changing? Where is the user's manual for aging?

My training, this season, is decidedly different from the one a few years back. Heck, I thought I could go out and hammer the pedals into submission - just like I did back in 2011 and 2010 and 2009 and 2008. A year later, is a year later. Takes longer to do (50 miles), takes longer to un-do (that long ride recovery pain).

If you put into the Google-izer "exercise slows aging", you'll get 9,940 results. Not too shabby. So in that regard, I'm doing what I am supposed to do to slow the cadence of time. Still... I gotta get it right... To have the proper attitude as I age. Our dog Luna is getting older, grayer. But somehow, her attitude never changes - she is always happy. She must know something I don't know.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Time to Chill

Yes, one can take a break from the slog of training. Tis good for the soul. I'm about 8 weeks out to the ride - a few days in Florida sun is AOK right now. AAAhhhhhh.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Blue Trees - Konstantin Dimopoulos

This artwork is right on the Burke Gilman trail here in Kenmore. On my ride today- took a break and wanted to see what it is all about. Konstantin Dimopoulos is a sculptor, installation and performance artist. These trees (Himalayan Birch) are planted, painted (enviro friendly, temp pigment) and the message is to inspire awareness and discussion about global deforestation. It is a beautiful site to see. Of course I'm gonna say, only by bike can one see such wonders! Well... its right by Bothell Way, so you more inclined to travel by car can do a quick pass.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Meet the Mule

This is the trusty steed that will take me on my tour. Note the new front rack. There will be more mods I am sure.

What a Day!

Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous!

 Click Pic - THE BLOGS FIRST BLOG VIDEO Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


While used as a cycling term - it can also mean anything that marks time. Sometimes, we don't even know that silent cadence of self doubt that marks the way we interact with the world. Round and round it goes - all the while ticking out the message - self doubt. The cycling term is simply defined as your pedal RPM. It's one of those training variables you can monitor while on the bike and use to improve your performance. I've actually never really kept track of my pedal cadence. However, I can tell you, the cadence of self doubt spins away all the time. But- this is precisely why I pedal, the bike cadence, each stroke is an accomplishment. Each stroke is closer to that goal. Up down. Up down. Round and Round.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Slicker Than Shit Through a Tin Horn

That is one of my Dad's sayings. Some how, perhaps by osmosis or just plain genetics, my Dad gave to me and his other progeny, what I would consider some old, faraway language. Mid 20th century Iowan. I'm not exactly sure what the saying means. I think it is just a way of punctuating something 'really cool'. I just say it, I don't really think what I am saying really. But, I like it.

Fast forward to the early 21st century and the age of the I-phone. I just bought a new phone and opted for the I-phone. Wow, tis so much more than a stinking phone. I quickly downloaded some apps.

Part of my training is the concept of intervals. Most probably know what these are, but if you don't, these are bursts of high-intensity work interspersed with periods of low-intensity work. And they hurt. Anyway, the key to these is set intervals of time (and intensity) and they can get a bit complicated to manage during a work out. Enter the UltraTrainer app. All you do is punch in some intervals, hit start and away it goes - counting time for you. Here is a pick of my I-phone displaying the warm up interval.

Here is the high intensity interval. SS 8" is a steady state interval for 8 minutes at 92-97% of  TT heart rate.

And here is the rest interval.

These were done 3x. Total looked like this:

Warm up: 15min

Steady State: 8 min
Rest: 4 min

Steady State: 8 min
Rest: 4 min

Steady State: 8 min
Rest: 4 min

Cool down: 10 min

The intervals are fully programmable and you can pick a myriad of the I-phone sounds to indicate the transition to the next interval. You can even choose the background color of each interval. How cool is that? Very cool. This App was a silly $2.99 and is truly slicker than shit though a tin horn! Thanks Dad!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Bored Yet?

I am. Ride, ride, ride and ride some more. And to boot - its always so nice spring training in the Pacific North WET. How do those poor souls in southern Cal do it? All that nice weather all the time? I think I need a new training toy to break my boredom. REI here I come.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Ankle Biters

Durn grass is 22 inches high now. Love spring, but the outdoor carpet goes on steroids this time of year. Quick, I can get in a mow before I head out on the bike. Oh, then I need to weed the beds a bit too. Ack! Now its almost too late for a training ride. Don't do as I do - please, just do something altogether different. Forget about the yard, forget about the chores, forget about all those ankle biters gnawing away at your training time. It really is a juggling act when you commit to that one lofty goal of a major ride. Work, family, chores, kids, your world is one big cyclotron. Rise above the din, keep going, stay focused.