Monday, September 10, 2012

Go, no go? Go.

Have passed the point of no return this evening. Have made the necessary commitments, scratched the proverbial noggin a few times, asked the dog for feedback and have checked the 5 day extended forecast. 'Tis a GO! This Friday will see the Salsa Fargo and me, sloggin' up Whidbey Island, camping Friday night and then heading north to Anacortes for another night of camping. This is not technically a "bike overnight" or an S24O- but pretty durn close. This will be the first time for me with camping gear on the bike. As you might recall, my Grand Tour - that silly ride I did three months ago, was all hotel supported. This ride is tent, bag and pad supported! It also is supported by my ever capable, terminus support crew - my S.O. and Luna, the slap-happy wonder dog. They will be meeting me at the Saturday night camping spot - we'll light a fire, hoist a dram of bourbon and celebrate the trip! As I said the weather is supposed to be in the 75-80s and not much rain in sight. Magical September weather for the PNW. So- I may post a few updates if I can get my phone to blog. But more than likely - I'll recap when I get back and post some pictures.

Cheers Slogger Mates!

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